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Kontron AG: Investor Relations & Financial Insights | seat11a

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Kontron AG Investor Relations:
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Kontron AG

Lehrbachgasse 11

1120 Vienna, Austria

phone +43 1 80191 1196

Kontron AG – previously S&T AG – is a growing IoT technology group with over 6,000 employees and subsidiaries in 32 countries worldwide.

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Kontron AG

Video Hub

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Kontron AG

At a Glance

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Kontron AG Overview

Kontron AG (www.kontron.ag, ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, SANT/ as of 2 June 2022 KTN) – previously S&T AG – is a growing IoT technology group with more than 6,000 employees and subsidiaries in 32 countries around the world.


Market Presence

The company is listed on the TecDAX® and SDAX® of the German Stock Exchange and is one of the leading providers of smart solutions for a host of industries.


Expertise and Solutions

Smart Solutions Across Industries

With a well-known brand and its own technologies in the fields of smart factory, railway communication systems, communication solutions, and smart energy, Kontron is the well-trusted partner helping businesses undertake their digital transformation journeys in a wide range of industries to achieve their future ambitions.


S&T Brand – IT Service Provision

With its brand S&T, the company is one of the leading IT service providers in Central and Eastern Europe offering a comprehensive range of IT services including datacenter and SAP operations, workplace management, IT security, or IT consulting.

(c) seat11a – Publicly Listed Companies: Elevator Pitch, Deep-Dive, Financial Results, and ESG 

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