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Polytec Group: Investor Relations & Financial Insights | seat11a

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Polytec Group Investor Relations:
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Polytec-Strasse 1

4063 Hoersching, Austria

Founded in 1986, the POLYTEC GROUP is a leading developer and manu­facturer of high-quality plastic components. 

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At a Glance

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Founded in 1986, the POLYTEC GROUP is a leading developer and manu­facturer of high-quality plastic components.


Experience and Expertise

For more than 35 years, the Austria-­based company with around 3,600 employees worldwide has been offering its customers ­experience and know-how, not only as a complete supplier in the injection ­mould­ing field, but also as a specialist for fibre-­reinforced ­plastics, a pro­ducer of original accessories made from plastic and ­special steel.


Comprehensive Service Offerings

Value Addition Across Segments

In both the automotive and non-automotive areas, POLYTEC provides excellent value added depth in every segment.


End-to-End Development and Production Capabilities

This incorporates design and project development, as well as the production of tools and semis for fibre compound materials, component simulation and testing, and virtually all the available plastics processing technologies.


Downstream Processes and Delivery Excellence

In addition, POLYTEC supplies excellent performance in the shape of downstream processes such as painting, assembly and just-in-time or just-in-sequence delivery.

(c) seat11a – Publicly Listed Companies: Elevator Pitch, Deep-Dive, Financial Results, and ESG 

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