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Entrepreneurial Ventures Of Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett's journey from a newspaper delivery boy to the acclaimed Oracle of Omaha reveals not only financial triumph but also a philosophical evolution. His philosophy, deeply rooted in patience, ethical value investing, and a steadfast commitment to moral and ethical principles within the business realm, has distinguished him as a unique figure in the investment world.
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Sanjay Oberoi

Sanjay Oberoi

worked for numerous big names in the sector, including Fidelity Investment, Allianz Global Investor, Union Investment, and Kepler Cheuvreux.

Early Acumen and Entrepreneurial Ventures of Warren Buffett

Born during the Great Depression, Warren Edward Buffett exhibited an early knack for numbers and a distinct fascination with the financial world. Not just a passive observer of economic activities, he enthusiastically engaged in numerous business ventures from a tender age.

One remarkable venture involved purchasing a six-pack of Coca-Cola for 25 cents and selling each bottle for 5 cents, embodying the “buy low, sell high” concept from a notably young age. Additionally, Buffett embarked on various small business ventures, such as delivering newspapers, which afforded him financial profits and essential insights into business and consumer behaviour.

Buffett’s Inaugural Investment Journey

Buffett’s foray into the stock market unfolded at the age of 11, when he acquired three shares of Cities Service Preferred at $38 per share. Though the investment experienced an initial dip, it eventually proved profitable. This early venture into the stock market transcended a mere transaction; it was a pivotal event that ingrained foundational investment principles such as patience, discipline, and an appreciation of market fluctuations within him.

Learning and Immersion in Finance and Investment

Warren was both a practitioner and a devoted student of finance and investment. His avid reading of books on the subject, with “One Thousand Ways to Make $1000” proving particularly impactful, ignited his intrigue in the vibrant world of the financial market.

Work Ethic and Paper Routes

His paper route business was more than just a job. Still, it was a venture wherein he meticulously kept records, understood his customer base and managed financial aspects with a maturity that belied his age. He didn’t just deliver newspapers; he built relationships, understood neighbourhoods, and essentially ran a business that offered insights into operations, customer relations, and money management.

High School Ventures and Learning the Ropes

During high school, his entrepreneurial ventures included:

  • Purchasing and placing pinball machines in barber shops.
  • Understanding passive income.
  • Understanding investment, maintenance, and revenue concepts.

Simultaneously, he invested in a 40-acre farm despite having no farming knowledge, indicating an early appreciation for passive and diverse investment.

Influence of His Father

Howard Buffett, Warren’s father, played an influential role in shaping his ethical and professional outlook. A stockbroker and U.S. Congressman, Howard Buffett notably influenced Warren’s ethical and value-driven approach towards investments and business.

Educational Journey

Despite his natural inclination towards financial matters, Warren’s educational journey also significantly shaped his investment philosophy. His learnings from Benjamin Graham at Columbia Business School, in particular, played a pivotal role in refining his investment strategy, introducing him to value investing, intrinsic value, and the margin of safety.


Warren Buffett’s childhood and early life were not just the beginning of an illustrious career but a foundational period that instilled principles, work ethics, and an approach towards investment and business that would define his future ventures. Every small business, every transaction, and every interaction was a step towards becoming one of the most successful investors in the world.

Educational Pathway

Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania:

  • Admission and Studies: Warren Buffett entered the Wharton School at 17, studying business. His choice of Wharton was driven by its reputable standing in business education.
  • Performance and Learning: Despite his knack for numbers and an inherent understanding of business principles, Buffett found his early years at Wharton not as intellectually challenging as he had hoped. Much of the knowledge presented in courses was something he’d absorbed during his teenage entrepreneurial endeavours.
  • Transfer to University of Nebraska: After two years at Wharton, he transferred to the University of Nebraska. His decision was partly driven by his father’s financial strain and his feelings of discontent at Wharton.

University of Nebraska:

  • Academic Endeavors: Buffett graduated from the University of Nebraska at 19 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. Even during his undergraduate studies, his fascination with the stock market and investment was prominent.
  • Initial Exposure to Market: Throughout his tenure, he explored various investment books and engaged in diverse discussions, further enhancing his understanding of market dynamics.

Columbia Business School:

  • Influence of Benjamin Graham: His post-graduate choice, Columbia Business School, was significantly influenced by his admiration for Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing. After reading “The Intelligent Investor,” Buffett was drawn to Graham’s principles of investing, which became foundational to his investment philosophy.
  • Master of Science in Economics: Under Graham’s mentorship, he earned his Master’s degree, absorbing Graham’s principles and establishing a fundamental investment philosophy that stressed the importance of intrinsic value and margin of safety.

Early Career Path

Job Rejections and New York:

  • After Columbia, despite being immensely talented, Buffett faced numerous rejections. He offered to work for his mentor Graham even without pay but was declined.
  • He took a job at his father’s brokerage firm while consistently reading and evaluating various companies for investment. Like in GEICO, his early investments showcased his ability to identify businesses with strong fundamentals and growth potential.

Return to Omaha and Teaching:

  • Buffett returned to Omaha and started teaching night classes at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. His “Investment Principles” course drew upon Graham’s teachings yet began showcasing Buffett’s emerging philosophies.

Buffett-Falk & Co:

  • Soon, he began working as an investment salesman for Buffett-Falk & Co. His investing principles were becoming clearer, prioritizing long-term investment, understanding the business, and valuing a company intrinsically rather than market sentiment.

The Creation of Buffett Partnership Ltd.:

  • In 1956, Warren formed the Buffett Partnership Ltd. His strategy was to buy undervalued companies that showed a probability of long-term gains. He emphasized understanding businesses, their models, management capabilities, and future potential rather than short-term market fluctuations.
  • The partnership was incredibly successful and laid the foundation for his empire: Berkshire Hathaway.

Closing Thoughts

Buffett’s educational and early career path is a lesson in persistence, continuous learning, and staying true to one’s principles. His encounters with failures, such as job rejections, and success, like the triumph of his partnerships, shaped his pragmatic and principled approach to investing.

Educational Path and Early Career:

Formative Years:

Warren Buffett, born during the Great Depression, witnessed economic turmoil from a young age, influencing his financial outlook. His early interest in business and finance is often highlighted through anecdotes like purchasing six-packs of Coca-Cola to resell by the bottle, delivering newspapers, and even investing in a pinball machine placed in a local barber shop.

Academic Journey:

Buffett’s formal education began at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. However, his time at Columbia Business School, where he studied under Benjamin Graham, shaped his investment philosophy. Graham’s book, “The Intelligent Investor,” laid the foundation for Buffett’s approach to the stock market. The book proposed the philosophy of “value investing” – buying stocks at less than their intrinsic value, often determined by their P/E ratio, dividends, and growth rate.

Early Investment Career:

Post-Columbia, Buffett worked at his father’s brokerage and later for Benjamin Graham’s investment firm, Graham-Newman Corp, absorbing further insights into investing. Graham’s retirement led Buffett back to Omaha, where he initiated Buffett Partnership Ltd.

Buffett Partnership and The Acquisition of Berkshire Hathaway:

Establishing Buffett Partnership Ltd.:

In 1956, after moving back to Omaha and armed with investment principles honed over the years, Buffett established the Buffett Partnership Ltd. He adopted Graham’s principles of value investing, searching for businesses trading below their intrinsic value, often termed “cigar-butt” investing – finding discarded, single-puff opportunities that are cheap and undervalued.

Investment Strategy:

Buffett identified undervalued companies whose stock traded for less than their intrinsic value. This was achieved by meticulously analyzing their fundamentals, understanding the business model, and assessing management quality. However, as years progressed, the influence of Charlie Munger became apparent as Buffett gradually shifted towards investing in high-quality businesses with enduring competitive advantages, or “economic moats,” even if they weren’t always available at bargain prices.

Acquisition of Berkshire Hathaway:

In 1962, Buffett noticed a pattern in the price movement of Berkshire Hathaway, a textile manufacturing firm, and began buying its stock. A disagreement with the management in 1965 resulted in Buffett taking control to safeguard his investment. Initially, he maintained the textile business while diverting profits into other investments.

From Textile Mill to Conglomerate:

Under Buffett’s stewardship, Berkshire Hathaway evolved from a struggling textile manufacturer into a massive conglomerate. The transition could have been more seamless and required strategic divestments and acquisitions. The textile business was eventually phased out, and the profits were reallocated into buying other businesses and stocks, creating a diversified holding company. Buffett acquired companies from various sectors like insurance (e.g., GEICO), food (e.g., See’s Candies), and utilities (e.g., MidAmerican Energy).

Lessons for Investors:

• Adaptation: While grounded in the foundational principles from Graham, Buffett showcased the importance of adaptation, embracing change, and evolving investment strategies according to market conditions.
• Diversification: Berkshire Hathaway’s conglomerate model emphasizes diversification, spreading investments across various sectors to manage risk.
• Long-term Investment: Buffett’s “buy and hold” strategy demonstrates long-term investment and compounding potency.
• Ethical Management: He prioritizes companies with strong, ethical management, recognizing that long-term sustainability is linked to leadership quality.
• Economic Moats: Identifying companies with enduring competitive advantages ensures investments are shielded against market competition.
• Intrinsic Value and Margin of Safety: Ensuring a stock is purchased below its intrinsic value provides a margin of safety against investment risks.

Warren Buffett’s journey from an intelligent, entrepreneurial child to the Oracle of Omaha encapsulates lessons in strategic, ethical, and intelligent investing. His evolution as an investor – from rigid adherence to Graham’s principles to a more flexible, quality-oriented approach – reveals the necessity of adaptability and ethical management in investment philosophy.

Meeting Charlie Munger

In the late 1950s, Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger were introduced at a dinner party in Omaha. Despite establishing their investment approaches by that point, they found a kinship rooted in their intellectual curiosity and shared interest in sound investment strategies and principles.

Early Investment Philosophies

Warren Buffett

Initially, Buffett was a dedicated follower of Benjamin Graham’s value investing philosophy, which primarily focused on buying securities priced well below their intrinsic value.

Charlie Munger

Munger, on the other hand, was always a relaxed adherent of Graham’s approach. He had a more qualitative approach towards investments, focusing on the quality of a business, its management, and its long-term viability.

Evolution of Investment Strategy

The relationship between Buffett and Munger became pivotal for the evolution of their investment strategies.

Quality Over Price

Munger introduced Buffett to “buying a wonderful company at a fair price” rather than “buying a fair company at a wonderful price”. This nuanced shift marked a significant transformation in Buffett’s investment philosophy.

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Munger emphasized investing in companies with a durable competitive advantage, or a “moat”. This principle became foundational in their investment decisions, leading them towards companies like Coca-Cola and See’s Candies.

Successful Collaborations

The synergy between Buffett and Munger became legendary within the investment world, exemplified by a series of successful investments made by Berkshire Hathaway.

See’s Candies

This investment symbolizes the alignment of their investment philosophies, where the quality of the business and its management were deemed paramount. The purchase of See’s Candies demonstrated the willingness to pay a fair price for a quality business, reflecting Munger’s influence.


An exemplary model of their evolved investment strategy, where they recognized an outstanding business model and enormous growth potential, which they were willing to acquire at a reasonable price.

Challenges and Resilience

The duo encountered numerous market fluctuations, economic recessions, and bubbles, yet their unwavering belief in their fundamental investment principles enabled them to navigate financial crises effectively.

Dot-com Bubble

While many investors were drawn to the booming tech sector in the late 1990s, Buffett and Munger resisted the allure of the dot-com bubble due to the lack of sustainable business models among tech companies. Their avoidance of speculative investments shielded Berkshire Hathaway from the burst that followed.

2008 Financial Crisis

Their principles were again tested during the 2008 financial crisis. Their disciplined approach to investment and intrinsic value analysis provided stability and long-term growth amidst the financial chaos.

Legacy and Enduring Principles

The partnership of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger transcends beyond mere financial success and represents an epitome of strategic, ethical, and intelligent investing. Their legacy is embedded in the annual letters to shareholders, where insights into their investment principles, economic outlook, and organizational philosophy are shared.

Their partnership underscores the importance of:

  • Adaptability: Willingness to evolve investment philosophies.
  • Long-term Orientation: Focus on sustainable growth and value creation.
  • Ethical Consideration: Prioritizing ethical practices and corporate governance.

Navigating Through COVID-19 Pandemic

Like many investors, Warren Buffett faced unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic wreaked havoc on global markets, leading to volatile stock prices and economic downturns. Berkshire Hathaway, under Buffett’s stewardship, took several strategic moves:

  • Stock Sell-offs: Berkshire sold off significant portions of its airline and bank stocks, indicating a cautious approach towards sectors heavily impacted by the pandemic.
  • Investing in Tech: Buffett, traditionally cautious about technology investments, took notable positions in companies like Apple and Amazon, reflecting an adaptation to the shifting economic landscape.
  • Cash Reserves: Berkshire maintained substantial cash reserves, signalling a preparedness for potential investment opportunities and a buffer against unforeseen economic challenges.

Buffett’s strategies during the pandemic were underpinned by his longstanding investment principles of investing in businesses with solid fundamentals and holding cash to capitalize on market opportunities.

The Giving Pledge and Philanthropy

Warren Buffett is not only renowned for his investment insight but also his philanthropic activities:

The Giving Pledge

In 2010, Warren Buffett, along with Bill and Melinda Gates, launched The Giving Pledge, urging billionaires to pledge at least half of their wealth to charitable causes during their lifetimes or in their wills. Buffett has pledged to donate 99% of his wealth to philanthropic activities, embodying his belief in giving back to society.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

A significant portion of Buffett’s philanthropy is channelled through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, targeting issues like poverty, healthcare, and education globally. He annually donates Berkshire Hathaway B shares to the foundation, adhering to his commitment to the Giving Pledge.

Supporting Various Causes

Apart from the Gates Foundation, Buffett also contributes to various other charities, including those founded by his children, thereby promoting causes ranging from global health to community development and social welfare.

Buffett’s philanthropy is marked by his practical and efficient approach, ensuring that his wealth generates a meaningful impact across various social dimensions.


Warren Buffett, throughout the turbulence of recent times, including the COVID-19 pandemic, has navigated with a mix of steadfast adherence to his fundamental investment principles and a willingness to adapt to changing market dynamics. Simultaneously, his philanthropic activities embody his belief in social responsibility and ethical wealth redistribution.

Warren Buffett: A Legacy Defined


Warren Buffett’s journey from a newspaper delivery boy to the acclaimed Oracle of Omaha reveals not only financial triumph but also a philosophical evolution. His philosophy, deeply rooted in patience, ethical value investing, and a steadfast commitment to moral and ethical principles within the business realm, has distinguished him as a unique figure in the investment world.

An Ingrained Spirit of Entrepreneurship

From an early age, Warren Buffett showcased a resilient entrepreneurial spirit. His young self was drawn not only towards wealth accumulation but also captivated by the intricacies of businesses and their roles in delivering solutions and creating value in the lives of consumers.

The Edification of a Value Investor

Buffett’s investment philosophy, significantly influenced by Benjamin Graham’s principles of value investing, emphasizes investing in companies that are undervalued in the market compared to their intrinsic value. He adopted this principle not just as a financial strategy but as a comprehensive life principle, keenly seeking explicit and hidden value in all endeavors.

Philanthropy as a Cornerstone

In the latter stages of his career, Buffett transformed into a beacon of philanthropy, committing to donate 99% of his wealth and recognizing that wealth accumulation carries a societal responsibility. His philanthropic endeavors extend beyond financial contributions, offering his insights and wisdom to future generations of investors, entrepreneurs, and leaders.

Partnership with Charlie Munger

Charlie Munger has been more than a business partner to Buffett; he has been a philosophical ally. Munger’s influence has played a pivotal role in shaping Buffett’s investment strategies. Their partnership underscores the value of aligning oneself with individuals who not only resonate with but also challenge and enhance one’s philosophies.

The Ethical Dimension of Investing

Buffett’s investment strategy is firmly grounded in ethical considerations, crucial in a time where investments are frequently driven by swift profitability, occasionally at the expense of ethical and moral considerations. His methodology sheds light on the sustainability of ethical investing, forging a legacy that is not only financially secure but also morally and socially impactful.

A Legacy Beyond Finance

Warren Buffett’s legacy transcends his financial achievements, extending into ethical business practices, philanthropy, and moral living. He epitomizes the harmonious coexistence and mutual enhancement of financial success and moral uprightness, setting a standard for both seasoned and novice investors to contemplate and emulate.


Throughout his journey, Warren Buffett has exemplified that the essence of investment extends beyond mere financial gain and reaches its zenith when intertwined with principles, patience, and a relentless pursuit of intrinsic value. His legacy stands not merely as a testament to astute investing and tremendous wealth but as an exemplification of the significant impact principled business can imprint on the societal tapestry.



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